這牌子的折疊車極速可達82.53km/h!這項在1986年8月創下的紀錄,經過HPV協會(Human Powered Vehicle Association )認可,是目前全世界的單車最快速度記錄。
其實Alex Moulton在1989年還曾經測出更快的88km/h時速,不過這項紀錄未經正式認可。資料來源 : http://blog.543club.net/blackeye/?p=116
用以降低風阻的東東... 真酷!
//--- 斜躺車的"flying 200m"的世界紀錄 : 130.36Km/h; 而正坐姿腳踏車的世界紀錄是Alex Moulton的82.53Km/h, 已有21年沒人能破了! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recumbent_bicycle
Over distances recumbent bicycles outperform upright bicycles as evident by dominace in ultra-distance events like 24 hours at Sebring (http://www.ultracycling.com/results/sebring2006.html) Official speed records for recumbents are governed by the rules of the International Human Powered Vehicle Association. A number of records are recognised, the fastest of which is the "flying 200 m", a distance of 200 m on level ground from a flying start with a maximum allowable tailwind of 1.66 m/s. The current record is 130.36 km/h (81.00 mph), set by Sam Whittingham of Canada on a fully faired Varna Diablo front-wheel-drive recumbent lowracer bicycle designed by George Georgiev. The official record for an upright bicycle under somewhat similar conditions is 82.53 km/h (51.29 mph) set by Jim Glover in 1986 with an English-made Moulton bicycle with a hardshell fairing around him and the bike.
The IHPVA hour record is 85.991 km (53.432 miles), set by Fred Markham on July 2, 2006. The equivalent record for an upright bicycle is 49.700 km (30.882 miles), set by Ondřej Sosenka in 2005. The UCI no longer considers the bike Chris Boardman rode for his 1996 record to be in compliance with its definition of an upright bicycle. Boardman's Monocoque bike was designed by Mike Burrows, whose Windcheetah recumbent trike (see above) also holds the record from Land's End to John o' Groats, 861 miles (1,386 km) in 41 h 4 min 22 s with Andy Wilkinson riding.
In 2003, Rob English took on and beat the UK 4-man pursuit champions VC St Raphael in a 4000 m challenge race at Reading, beating them by a margin of 4 min 55.5 s to 5 min 6.87 s - and dropping one of the St Raphael riders along the way.