真佩服那些商人的創意! 我想這種"避震花鼓"應是最有效的避震方式了. 想買一組來玩玩
但我真的懷疑, 當它上下震動時, 前輪會不會頂到前叉 ?
Our suspension hub puts the rim 2 mm below center at no load. 3 mm above center at full load. The rim movement up and down is only 5 mm, the reason is that our suspension geometry follows a diagonal trajectory, (back and up). So of the half inch (12 mm) travel only portion of it is straight up and down. As a result the 12 mm of brake band (we recommend) is plenty to allows for suspension movement. And as we explained above you can use a rim with 10 mm brake band as well.
(SUN Rim L-17, CR - 18).